Thursday, January 3, 2008


I took the girls and Stephanie to see the movie Enchanted. Amanda and Steph enjoyed it--however Abbey prevented me from seeing the movie! The little one was quiet for a little while with snacks,etc. but was too squirmy for me to contain. We ended up spending most of the time in the lobby playing around. We went into the arcade, played with other kids in the lobby, played on the mat in the lobby that has a movie projected on the floor where you try to follow the object, and best of all I found a twenty dollar bill in the lobby near the arcade! That made my day--considering I just spent 7.50 for a matinee that I wasn't able to see! She eventually fell asleep and I was able to see the end of the movie. Mind you we went to see the movie during her nap time. Oh the joys of having a toddler. I guess I should have just expected it.

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