Thursday, February 11, 2010


Amanda was home with the stomach virus the previous week and now high fever. Abbey with vomitting and the runs. I washed the whole house down (literally on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor,doors, all handles, remotes, phones, bathrooms,etc. Then at around 3am.....I woke Mike up and said I was sick. It was bad--horribly bad. Mike too started shortly after me. We were non-stop for hours.
I called a friend to take them to school. Thank God! There is no way I could have done it. Lucky for me and Mike the girls only had a half day-talk about bad timing. Another friend took them home and offered to watch them but couldn't pick them up until 3:30pm. Now am i going to entertain them for 3 hours. Feed them lunch,etc.. all while being sick. Our kids just don't get that Mommy and Daddy are sick...really sick and can't attend to their needs. Times like these (and many other times too) when I wish my family was closer. They would have been right over to attend to the kids. Take them to lunch, library, anywhere to give me and Mike a break. My friend came back at 3:30pm bringing ginger ale and ice pops for us!!! We were so grateful! She kept the girls until 9:30pm. By that time we were still tired but at least we slept while they were gone. By the next morning I was much better...not 100% but better. Mike needed more that is what he did. Sleep was about the only thing we could do while under attack from the awful awful virus. Thank you Filomena and family for helping us during this God awful time.

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