Tuesday, April 7, 2009


9am --we skipped soccer today because Amanda woke up yesterday barking/croup and is on three days of prednisone 10am--Hoboken Catholic Acad. Easter Egg hunt at Elysian park very windy and brisk out today--but not raining. We were there until 11am. Ran to Edgewater--quick lunch at McD's then over to 12 Noon Barnes and Noble book signing/reading. Casey and Bella
We met the actual dogs, Casey and Bella in person and the author (we are going to get her to come to our school) Casey and Bella go to NYC and Casey and Bella go to Hollywood. I highly recommend them. They have good story lines, teach a lesson, and most importantly a portion of the books proceeds benefits Hoboken's Jubilee Center. 2pm--Hoboken Public Library --Live turle show then stay and read books at the library with friends for a while
6pm--Claire plays a piano recital. She was excellent! Abbey keeping quiet--not so good.
Other days I don't have anything to do with my kids---today we crammed in a ton of stuff. We even skipped ballet class at 11am--but we will do a make-up.

1 comment:

Casey and Bella said...

Thanks so much for coming to the event! Casey and Bella were so happy to meet Amanda and Abigail!