Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4/16/09--Unbelieva-Bills, Waldwick, NJ

Today we went to Unbelieva-Bills--"Everything Entertainment" is their motto. They have open play in their 21,000 sq. ft. facility. Other friends who went included: Alice, Georgia, Helen, Sophia, Victoria, Clare and Gwen. The kids had a blast running around, climbing, etc.

4/15/09--Dear Edwina

I won tickets on Mommy Poppins for four free tickets to the show Dear Edwina! We took Amanda's friend Olivia K. from school and her Mom watched Abbey for us. Abbey played with Jack (same age as Abb's and hopefully they will be in the same pre-k 3 class in the fall) We went to the show, walked around Union Square Market, ate at the Union Square Cafe, went to the toy store No Kidding voted one of the best in NY, and then the girls had ice cream . What a crazy busy but fun day.

4/14/09--Spring Break outings

Today on tap: Chuckee Cheese and then Amanda and I went to Macy's in the city to see their Flower show.

4/13/09--Time with Amanda

Amanda and Mommy get one on one time when Abbey is taking her daily naps. Today we went to the park together and then used her free Rita's ice coupon from her school easter egg hunt! She got cotton candy flavored ice which was light blue!

4/12/09---Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny knew we were at Aunt Joanne's house and delivered the girls Easter baskets there and hid a ton of eggs for the kids to find. Later that afternoon we had the GIANT easter egg hunt outside for adults and kids! There are always prizes--cousin Alyssa desperately wanted to win the Mr. Goodbar candy bar (and she did)! After a delicious dinner we headed to Mike's parents house for dessert. We played with cousins: AJ and Madison.

4/10/09--Gesu Morto Procession

Mike, Daisy and I participated in an age old (13th century) Italian tradion from the "Mezzogiono" (southern part of Italy) meaning Procession of the Dead Christ at St. Ann's Church on Friday evening. We have watched this procession in past years from our apt. but this year decided to participate. There were hundreds of people walking in the procession on the streets around the church following the statues.

4/9/09--Girls at Aunt JoJo's

The girls went to Aunt Joanne's, Uncle Joe, cousins: Alyssa, Ryan and Stephanie's house for a few days. It is the first time I have been away from both girls at the same time for two nights in a row! They played outside all day Thursday because of rain in the forecast for Friday. They helped Aunt Jojo plant flowers. They also scootered, jumped on the trampoline, biked, etc. In addition to playing with their cousins, the kids had their friends over --Gianna (9), Antonia (5), and Ava (2), and Alyssa's friend Heidi (16) was there too. Joanne had a full house!!!! The kids were plenty busy and fell asleep at 7:45 --Abbey and 8pm for Amanda which is early for them!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

4/8/09-Coloring Easter Eggs

Amanda waited forever for me to boil the eggs and then let them cool down. Mom--are they ready YET???? Finally we colored them. They came out great!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

4/7/09--Abbey and lipstick

She went into my drawer and found a lipstick. Can't leave her alone for a second! Did you ever realize how oily lipstick really is. Babywipes were able to cut through most of it--but i did lysol spray her and give her a bath. My sister says to enjoy these days because they grow up too fast and soon boys will be a part of their lives and that is a whole different story.

4/7/09--Easter party at school

Today was Amanda's class Easter party. As always parents sent in way too much food/drink. They def. have enough for tomorows snack! After the party I brought in all the stuff to planted Marigolds to give out for Mother's day. Messy but fun!

4/5/09--Giacomo's 5th Birthday

Giacomo's 5th birthday was held at Jackson St. park and the theme was Legos! The Lego master was there with a TON of legos for the kids to build and create things with . Jenny made one of her famous birthday cakes (dunkin donut cake) A kid favorite!!!! Great fun.--Happy Birthday G!
