Tuesday, October 13, 2009

10/12/09 Abbey's 3rd B-day Friend party

Chuck E Cheese (her choice again) in N. Bergen

10/11/09--Apple and pumkin picking

10/11/09--Hudson River Walkway

10/10/09--Dad's 75 Birthday!

We went out for my Dad's 75th Birthday tonight. We went to a restaurant in Poughkeepsie, NY called Shadows. It was really pretty right on the Hudson River. Aunt Ann Marie and Uncle Pete (dads brother came too) Small and special. It was great.

10/10/09--At the cousins house

We raked leaves, played outside, went to Steph's soccer game, etc....

10/8/09--Daisy Investiture Ceremony

54 girls were officially welcomed as Girl Scout Daisies this evening in the gym at Hoboken Catholic Academy. It went over really well. Both Tuesday and Friday troops participated together. The girls sang a couple songs, did the pledge, made their promise, received their pins, then we had cake and pizza. Lots of work to plan it--but it went quite nicely. More photos to come....

10/6/09--Blessing of the Animals at HCA

Today Hob. Catholic had a blessing of the animals at the school in the courtyard. I brought Daisy this year. In the past I always brought Madeline and Slinky--but they didn't like going. They hate being in their carriers. Daisy was well behaved and totally excited to be around all the animals and people. Other families brought: fish, hermit crabs, hamster, dogs, cats, etc.. that was all i noticed. I know a couple people who borrowed their neighbors pets too.

10/5/09--Crawl stroke

Dark photos but Amanda's swim instructor is trying to teach them the crawl stroke. Amanda's arm is sticking out of the water in one photo.

10/5/09--Amanda lost her first tooth!!!!

Today at school her tooth came out. It landed on the floor and the class/teacher were on their hands and knees looking for it. Luckily one girl found it. Amanda went to the nurse and they sent her tooth home in a little treasure box. She was so proud!!!!

10/3/09--Jomaly's b-day

Chuck E Cheese party in Paramus. Crazy busy on a Sat. evening--but the kids had fun.