Thursday, August 21, 2008

8/21/08----Amanda's Photo

Today we went to Romparoo to inquire about classes for Abbey. The first thing I notice is a HUGE photo of Amanda behind Devon's (the owner/teacher) desk. Renee Goldfinger's photo is next to Amanda's as well. The photos have got to be larger than 16 by 20. They photos were taken by Kenneth Chen--professional photographer at Jeffrey Vitale's birthday party. The photos are awesome! What a great surprise to see!

8/20/08--Concert at CSP

Every Wed. evening there is a concert in Church Sq. Park. We are usually there so we get to enjoy the live music. Sometimes we even bring dinner to the park and have a picnic. This evening it was a Latin band--and they were great.

8/20/08--HCA Pre-k Orientation

Today Amanda met her new teacher Miss Gravina and Miss Theresa, her assistant. I was not pleased with Amanda's behavior while I introduced her--but I guess when you are four yrs old it is hard to understand why you have to switch teachers. She LOVES her teacher from last year, Mrs. Foley and really didn't want anything to do with her new teachers. She did enjoy seeing all her friends/classmates. I can't wait for school to start!!!!! Natalie O'Brien, a former Romparoo classmate of Amanda's is now in her class--so Amanda is very excited about that too!


Tonights concert: PolkaDot

Amanda's highlight---Matthew from her class being there--she lights up when she see him and they were holding hands!!!!!

8/17/08--Ocean Grove/Point Pleasant

We went to the shore today! It was so beautiful out we weren't the only ones on the road heading there either! The traffic was horrible going there and coming back! Ryan is no longer staying with us--but Stephanie is. First we went to the beach at OG. We saw cousin Fran, Betty, and Sal, Anna, Christopher and Stephanie. yes--two Stephanie's. Then in the afternoon we went ot Point Pleasant for rides and games. Amanda ran into her classmate Nahlaa while on the boardwalk.

8/15/08--Liberty Science Center

We went to the Liberty Science Center today for the first time! A big thank you to Meg and the Abbott program for hooking us up!!!! The kids loved it there--what a great place. We look forward to going back. I am proud of Amanda for being brave enough to touch a cochroach! I never would have guessed!

8/14/08--Last Lunch!

This was the last day I babysat Claire and Renee so we had a nice little picnic lunch to celebrate! We brought pizza and juice to Elysian park and then the girls all played in the sprinklers! Amanda and Abbey are going to miss playing with you everyday!

8/14/08--Fishing in Central Park

Last summer while Ryan visited we went fishing in central park and had a contest on who could catch more fish (I believe I won last year catching 9 fish). Today we went back and tried again. This year Ryan won--catching one fish! The fish were really smart just eating the corn and not getting on the hook. We spotted a snapping turtle and that did it for me--I didn't want to catch him--so I said I was done fishing at that point. After fishing we went to the playground. The girls were not allowed to fish with small rods this year because apparently a child fell into the water and had to get a ton of shots--so only big fishing rods are allowed now. The girls had fun throwing corn and bread into the water. The fish were nice and full thanks to Amanda, Abbey, Claire and Renee!

8/13/08--Cousin Ryan

Cousin Ryan is visiting us this week. The girls just adore him! He is so patient with them and doesn't try to boss them around too much like his sisters' do! I hope the girls didn't get on your nerves too much this time Rye--they are really quite the handful!!!!!!!

8/12/08--New furniture

Today we had our new furniture delivered! Yeah!!!!!! We finally got rid of the 13 yr. old couches and have new ones and a beautiful kitchen table as well!!!!!!! We bought the protection plan on both pieces because with two young kids--they are bound to do something to it! The couches are dark brown--almost espresso colored.

8/10/08---Birthday party

Today we went to Ziv and Gal's birthday party. The theme was a Hawaiian Luau and they even had music to go with it. The kids all had a blast!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

8/08--Free Lunch

I mentioned in the previous blog entry about the city of Hoboken giving away free lunch. Yes, everday throughout the summer at practically all the parks in Hoboken kids are welcome to a free lunch. They come in these cute little brown boxes. The lunches consist of a white milk, a juice, a piece of fruit and a sandwich. Here the girls are enjoying a free lunch on a summer day! Grant it--Amanda doesn't usually like it--but will drink the milk and juice. We usually give the sandwich back to the lunch lady--so we don't waste it.

8/5/08--Picnic with the Greco's

Today we had a playdate/picnic at Columbus park with with Rebecca, Alexander, Olivia, and baby Jonathan. The kids all got free lunches courtesy of the city of Hoboken and somehow or another posed effortlessly for this photo! So cute!

8/2/08--Meg's Surprise party

Nick Pooley hosted a surprise 30th birthday for Meg. An enjoyable kid free evening! Mike loved the choice of red wine!