Sunday, June 24, 2007

Van Saun Park-Zoo in Paramus

On Friday, June 22, 2007 I took the girls to the zoo! We saw bobcats, llamas, turtles, birds that we actually fed on a stick--so cool except when one flew on Amanda's stick she screamed bloody murder and threw her stick while Abbey quite enjoyed the taste of bird food on a stick! We took a train ride and rode the carousel (remind me not to do that again--I got nauseas!)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Two Birthday Parties in One Day

June 23, 2007 we attended two birthday parties. The first was a pool party at Claire's house for her 6th Birthday! Amanda was the first one in the pool despite the breezy day and the cold water! What a trooper. Forget the pizza-she filled up on cheese doodles.

Then at 3:30pm we went to Monroe St. Movement Center to help Erika Nathanson celebrate her third birthday! Lots of fun. We did the parachute, hoolahoops, balls, dancing, pizza, cake, and Amanda's favorite part--the obstacle course! She didn't eat her cake so she could continue to do the obstacle course.

Amanda's Graduation from Romparoo

Thursday, June 21, 2007 Amanda's first graduation ceremony! She was graduating from her preschool program called, "My Big Step Up." She attended class from Sept. thru June 3 or 4 afternoons a week from 3-5pm. She made lots of friends and LOVES her teacher Devon!
We are so proud of her!

Strawberry picking with Sophia

June 16, 2007 we met Eva and Sophia at Dressel Farms in New Paltz for Strawberry picking! It was a hot day--but we managed to have fun. Then we went to the playground by St. Joseph's Church and the college to play and hangout. We ran into Harmony and Kaitlyn Weinerman too.
It was good to catch up with Eva!