Carrying on a tradition my brother Peter and his wife Linda started before they moved to NV--making a delicious Christmas Eve dinner. Growing up we always spent Christmas Eve with our Grandma Bruno (my father's mother). We went to St. Mary's Church, Poughkeepsie, NY then usually had take out for dinner. My Nana was too old to cook for all of us. After Nana Bruno passed in 1988--Peter started to make a traditional Italian fish dinner. He also made chicken parm for those members of the family who didn't care for fish. After Peter moved to Henderson, NV in 1997--I picked up the tradition and have been making it ever since.
Today was the first time Mike helped me! Amanda too. I had them egg and bread the cutlets. Great helpers. Amanda was very meticulious making sure they were evenly covered with bread crumbs. The more help the merrier. Mike wasn't too merry though!